With the Consult Processes application you can Consult all your Judicial Proceedings easily and efficiently. The app has features like:- Registration and Process Management- Procedural Consultation in State, Federal and Superior Courts,In addition to an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, you never have to worry about losing sight of your processes again.SUPERIOR COURTS AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION:- STF- STJ- MTS- TST- TSEFEDERAL COURTS AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION:- TRF of the 1st Region (Covers the states: AC, AM, AP, BA, DF, GO, MA, MG, MT, PA, PI, RO, RR);- TRF of the 2nd Region (Covers the states: ES, RJ);- TRF of the 3rd Region (Covers the states: MS, SP);- TRF of the 4th Region (Covers the states: PR, RS, SC);- TRF of the 5th Region (Covers the states: AL, CE, PB, PE, RN, SE);COURTS OF JUSTICE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION:- Court of Justice of Acre (TJAC);- Court of Justice of Alagoas (TJAL);- Court of Justice of Amapá (TJAP);- Court of Justice of Amazonas (TJAM);- Court of Justice of Bahia (TJBA);- Court of Justice of Ceará (TJCE);- Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT);- Court of Justice of Espírito Santo (TJES);- Court of Justice of Goiás (TJGO);- Court of Justice of Maranhão (TJMA);- Court of Justice of Mato Grosso (TJMT);- Court of Justice of Mato Grosso do Sul (TJMS);- Court of Justice of Minas Gerais (TJMG);- Court of Justice of Pará (TJPA);- Court of Justice of Paraíba (TJPB);- Court of Justice of Paraná (TJPR);- Court of Justice of Pernambuco (TJPE);- Court of Justice of Piauí (TJPI);- Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ);- Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Norte (TJRN);- Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul (TJRS);- Court of Justice of Rondônia (TJRO);- Court of Justice of Roraima (TJRR);- Court of Justice of Santa Catarina (TJSC);- Court of Justice of São Paulo (TJSP);- Court of Justice of Sergipe (TJSE);- Court of Justice of Tocantins (TJTO);Download now and experience the ease and efficiency of querying processes that only our application can offer.* Attention, the application does not collect any information from the user, it only redirects the user to the official website of the consultation of processes of the selected region/court. The function of the application is basically to gather all the links in one place, in order to make life easier for citizens.